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World Temperature & Rainfall Extremes [Metric Version]
PLEASE READ - This Weather data is from ogimet.com It uses freely available data from the net, mainly from NOAA. Many stations call in their weather data daily. Not all stations are represented. Some extremes can be in error, usually blatantly and obviously so (ie. Samoa). If you have any questions about this data please contact ogimet.com.
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Maximum Temperature Last 24h
12/12/2024 at 02:00 UTC
No. Location Station ID Amount
1 Garoua (Cameroon) 64860 39.5°C
2 Mango (Togo) 65352 39.4°C
3 Minna (Nigeria) 65123 38.9°C
4 Abuja (Nigeria) 65125 38.4°C
5 Navrongo (Ghana) 65401 38.3°C
6 Yola (Nigeria) 65167 38.1°C
7 Choix, Sin. (Mexico) 76311 37.8°C
8 Tamale (Ghana) 65418 37.8°C
9 Dapaong (Togo) 65351 37.5°C
10 Koforidua (Ghana) 65459 37.5°C
11 Boromo (Burkina Faso) 65516 37.4°C
12 Ndjamena (Chad) 64700 37.4°C
13 Tillabery (Niger) 61036 37.4°C
14 El Guamo Aut (Colombia) 80221 37.3°C
15 Fada N'Gourma (Burkina Faso) 65507 37.3°C
Script courtesy of  Michael Holden of Relay Weather. Data courtesy of Ogimet

Minimum Temperature Last 24h
12/12/2024 at 02:00 UTC
No. Location Station ID Amount
1 Verhojansk (Russian Federation) 24266 -50.2°C
2 Jubilejnaja (Russian Federation) 21931 -49.6°C
3 Iema (Russian Federation) 24477 -49.4°C
4 Batagaj (Russian Federation) 24263 -48.8°C
5 Dzalinda (Russian Federation) 21908 -47.7°C
6 Summit (Greenland) 04419 -47.4°C
7 Segen-Kyuel' (Russian Federation) 24661 -47.2°C
8 Tompo (Russian Federation) 24671 -47.2°C
9 Curapca (Russian Federation) 24768 -46.8°C
10 Batamaj (Russian Federation) 24656 -46.5°C
11 Kujga (Russian Federation) 21937 -46.3°C
12 Batagaj-Alyta (Russian Federation) 24261 -46°C
13 Kjusjur (Russian Federation) 21921 -45.9°C
14 Amga (Russian Federation) 24962 -45.7°C
15 Verhoyanskij Perevoz (Russian Federation) 24668 -45.7°C
Script courtesy of  Michael Holden of Relay Weather. Data courtesy of Ogimet

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